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2 Scriptures to Memorize This Month

Let's start the year off right! Here are 2 amazing scriptures to memorize this month.

The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing.

Psalm 23:1

Now if you grew up hearing/reading King James only, this verse may seem really weird to you. It may even seem wrong to memorize it like this. I get it. I grew up as a KJV kid too, but after repeating this translation over and over it hits different. Trust.

...I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness but will have the light of life.

John 8:12

These are the words of Jesus. He said them and was immediately challenged by some Pharisees, a group of strict religious Jews. They believed he was saying some really out of pocket stuff. They thought he was being haughty. In fact, Jesus was just telling the truth about who he was and in doing so giving us a promise that we'll always have Him and His light.

These are the scriptures for January. Subscribe to the site to get the scriptures for next month. Let's get in the Word together!

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