There are so many great one liners in the latest volume of Royal Heiress! I've selected 10 really great quotes from the book. To read more, grab your copy TODAY!
1. Real hospitality is uncomfortable. It's risky. It costs something.
2. Never underestimate the power of an invitation. It can change someone's life- but only if they accept.
3. We must never get to the point where we make assumptions about who is fit for the kingdom.
4. You don't build an immunity to sin.
5. As we work to minister to others, we must not ignore the fact that everyone has spiritual and physical needs.
6. The true test of serving others is this: are you still joyful when you're actually treated like a servant?
7. Are you so busy doing things for Jesus that you're not spending time with Him?
8. Jesus spent time with the type of people we tend to avoid. It's not that He wasn't intentional about who He met. It's just that He had different intentions.
9. Telling someone who's cold and without a coat about the love of Jesus while you're standing in a warm coat will not attract them to Jesus.
10. Complaining takes away the beauty and sincerity of hospitality.